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Educator - in the Classroom and on the Court at Ankeny Centennial High School. Aspiring Head Coach.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

You're Probably Right!

The idea for my first post came from my high school days. Permanently written at the top of our wall in the my high school weightroom read -  


Our head football coach at the time was the one who wrote this. This idea floated throughout the hallways in school with our football players. A few times I found myself talking to one of my friends who played football and I would start talking negatively about something. "I'm probably going to fail this calculus test next hour...", was immediately followed by a "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right!" from my buddy, who was by no means, a spectacular student. 

I was shocked at first to hear the response in a school setting, since I figured it was just a motivational quote down in the weightroom that I had seen. It really it true though. When you think something is possible - you will put forth great effort and thought. So, in turn, you have a great chance for success. Therefor, you are right that you thought that it was possible. 

For example, you have a 5k race you signed up for and are hoping to finish, and even possibly with a competitive time. You love running so have been training and ran distances equivalent to the race. You are CONFIDENT in your ability to finish the 5k race because of the hard work and training that you've put in, both mentally and physically, so you are right that you could finish the race. 
On the contrary, if you have not put in much thought, time or hard work(trained for the race), your confidence will not be very high and the negative thoughts will probably fill your head. All of this negative thought and fear drives us to execute whatever we are thinking. If we are thinking doubtfully, we will probably not be successful. 

Bottom line, it's easy to tell yourself to "Think Positive" or give them the whole "glass half full" mumbo jumbo (that could be covered in an entirely different series of blogs) but once you do have told yourself that, do you actually do it? The ability to think postively ultimately comes down to the confidence that we have. This confidence is developed only through straight up HARD WORK and EFFORT. 

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